This is a place for ideas. Most will be ideas for new products. Perhaps they already exist, but I have not seen them. Perhaps people will take these ideas and use them for personal gain. That is fine with me. Other ideas may include topics for research projects that would be of interest to me. If you have ideas you would like to share with the world, let me know and I will be happy to post them here also.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Willinator

The Willinator is a fun idea because it is very simple to explain, and most people to whom I have mentioned the idea have liked it!

Problem: Setting up a will is one of those things that we all know we should do, but many people do not seem to find the motivation to do so (until very late in life). It can seem very complicated and expensive to go through the process of thinking about the various pertinent issues, writing a legal document, getting it notarized, etc. And making modifications to a will, once established, also seems more onerous than it should be.

Solution: The Willinator is an online service that lets you create a legal will for a modest fee (much less than it would cost to do through an attorney, as most people now do). The best part of the Willinator is that you can log on any time and make changes. This means that your children must be nice to you at all times. The last thing they want to do is perform some offense to lower their standing in the will right before you die. You can even give shared access to let everyone know where they stand at any given time. This might motivate them to give you the best possible treatment – with immediate gratification.

Caveat: Society may not look favorably on people being able to make adjustments to such an important document in such a whimsical fashion.


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