This is a place for ideas. Most will be ideas for new products. Perhaps they already exist, but I have not seen them. Perhaps people will take these ideas and use them for personal gain. That is fine with me. Other ideas may include topics for research projects that would be of interest to me. If you have ideas you would like to share with the world, let me know and I will be happy to post them here also.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Driving Range Video

Problem: Improving one’s own golf swing can be very difficult, especially because it is difficult to observe the swing to observe defects and correct them. This is especially true for people like myself who do not like to pay for lessons. Also, when one does identify corrective actions to attempt, it is difficult to assess whether the actions are working.

Solution: Special stalls could be configured at the local driving range that capture and display video of the swing. This could be done inexpensively with a basic video camera and monitor. Additional features could offer a view of the swing from several angles, and possibly save several recent swings for purposes of comparison. I believe that such stalls at driving ranges would be highly coveted by the customers of the golf center. There could be a premium charged for these stalls, either a flat hourly fee or an additional fee on the golf balls when hit in this area. Another option would be to offer this new device for free, and the increased traffic and buzz might pay for the equipment.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

License Plate Reporting

Problem: When you see a terrible or very rude driver, it is difficult to do anything that will hold them accountable for their actions. It is especially dangerous to try to get personally involved in remedying any of their actions.

Solution: A website can be created where you enter a license plate (and State) and describe the action observed. This site could even potentially be monitored by municipal authorities for repeat offenders. Although the information on the site alone would not be reliable enough to warrant any legal action, authorities could use the site for locations or individuals to effect surveillance upon in the case that a repeat offender is reported.

Caveat: Like any public access website, this could be abused. For example, people could enter false information about others that they do not like, or people with a commercial or malicious interest could flood the site with fake data.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Problem: You need motivation to achieve life goals and daily tasks. There are some cool applications for this, such as Joe’s Goals (, but something more tailored to you as an individual would be desirable

Solution: An ASP web-based application where you assign point values to certain goal achievements and task completions. A list of tasks would be available, indicating how often those tasks were selected by others, along with the average point value assigned.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Problem: You have a large number of items on your “To Do” list, but never seem to know where to start.

Solution: ToDoBot is an e-mail service that will allow you to enter a list of tasks, and each day it will e-mail one random task to you. Just having one task to address will feel more manageable and easier to accomplish. Also, you will eventually get to those items that you always seem to skip over for sub-conscious reasons.

Friday, December 22, 2006


Problem: You have certain personal information that is difficult to manage. Recipes are kept in one place, family information in another. And there are certain tasks you need to learn over and over again because you do not remember key details about how to do them.

Solution: MyWiki is a Wiki that you set up for yourself. You put any information in there that is of value to you, but you can also share it with others. You can create autobiographies of relatives, enter your favorite recipes, put instructions and pictures for how to configure your stereo system, etc. It is a one stop place for managing all of your personal information.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Online Wish List

Problem: No one knows what to get you for your birthday, or the holidays. You also have a number of things you have considered ordering for yourself, but chosen not to get for one reason or another.

Solution: A master online wish-list database would work similarly to the wish list feature they have on sites like Amazon. This site would let you store URLs for any items you find at any website, as well as your descriptions and rankings for how much you would like each item. Entering items into this list, and then hopefully forgetting about them, allows you to receive them at a subsequent date, and be pleasantly surprised at the same time.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Business Idea: Recycle Computer Equipment

Problem: It seems like there is so much good computer equipment being wasted. When you buy a new peripheral, there are inevitably 2-3 adapters or connectors that are included in the package, but which you do not need for your system. So you throw them in your "mystery tangled cord bag". I have a bag in my basement with dozens of adapters, cables, and cords. These items sell for $10 - $20 on ebay, and most of us have at least a dozen of them, so there is definitely value in there somewhere. But these items are not valuable enough for me to waste time listing them on ebay. Also, there seems to be so much good equipment being discarded, such as printers that need ink refills, moniters that were upgraded, etc. On Freecycle, for example, it seems that there are at least 2-3 working printers a week being offered to anyone who wants to take them off of someone's hands.

Solution: A store that buys and sells used computer peripherals and equipment. If the profit potential is not enough to fund a whole store, you would think someone like Radio Shack might be able to profit from a service like this. Heck, they used to sell items like this, back when they cared and had knowledgeable geeks working in the store. Now all they sell anymore is cell phones and Ipods.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Product Idea: Wedding Ring Flash Drive

Problem: Those USB flash drives are becoming more ubiquitous and necessary every day. For example, I have one that I carry around with my keys and have used many times. But at the critical moment when you really would benefit from having one, it never seems to be on you.

Solution: A wedding ring that has a small USB drive and connector built in. Since most people always have their ring on, it is there for any emergency situation. They have these things getting smaller and smaller, so certainly this is becoming more possible every day. Bonus: Your spouse doesn't even need to know about it. For this purpose, an "aftermarket" version would be desirable.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Product Idea: Heavy Ornament Holder

Problem: Some Christmas tree ornaments are rather heavy, which causes branches to sag and possibly break under the weight. This problem is especially pronounced in live trees.

Solution: A steel branch reinforcement device could be designed. It would attach near the strong base of the branch, and run parallel to the branch. The ornament would then be hung from the steel rod. The device would be designed in such a way that is is not readily noticeable to the uninformed observer, such as being painted to match the color of the tree's branches.

Disclaimer: This idea was suggested to me by a friend.