This is a place for ideas. Most will be ideas for new products. Perhaps they already exist, but I have not seen them. Perhaps people will take these ideas and use them for personal gain. That is fine with me. Other ideas may include topics for research projects that would be of interest to me. If you have ideas you would like to share with the world, let me know and I will be happy to post them here also.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mixed Ripeness Bananas

The Problem

I thought we were the only people who were constantly throwing out old bananas. Then I saw this tweet from Conan O'Brien and realized that this is a universal issue.

Ok, here's the problem with bananas. You buy a batch of 6 bananas that are all at the same stage of ripeness. If they're ripe when you buy them, you can eat 1 or 2 before the rest go brown. If they're green when you buy them. you have to wait 2-3 days then eat 1 or 2 before they all go brown.

The Solution

Find a way to grow bananas that are of mixed ripeness in the same bunch, or split the bunches and sell the bananas individually so you can buy a group of bananas that are of varying ripeness. So you can eat 1 banana a day, and they will all be ripe when you are ready for them.


Blogger BrianM said...


Tuesday, September 27, 2011 10:04:00 AM


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