This is a place for ideas. Most will be ideas for new products. Perhaps they already exist, but I have not seen them. Perhaps people will take these ideas and use them for personal gain. That is fine with me. Other ideas may include topics for research projects that would be of interest to me. If you have ideas you would like to share with the world, let me know and I will be happy to post them here also.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Art Quotes

Problem: On the one hand, there are folks who need some original artwork, such as a sketch for a mural or a family portrait. On the other hand, there are starving artists - students, etc. - looking for work.

Solution: A website where you can post an art project. You provide as much detail as possible about the concept of the project. Then registered artists can go in and provide a quote for doing the project (including shipping, where applicable), along with a link to his or her portfolio. You can then select an artist based on the information provided. Feedback profiles would also indicate artists who have delivered successful projects, and how many positive and negative feedbacks they received.


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